Sunday, October 10, 2021

Website revamp

My website has had a revamp. 

When I built it in 2002 it was early website days. I had overheard a cafe conversation between two web designers who were comparing notes about how much they had been paid for very little work. Since I was responsible for the website of the organisation I was working for at the time, it seemed a good idea to know something about website software so I built my own website as a learning exercise. .

Ever since 2002 I have used Dreamweaver to make changes but it was sold to Adobe by Macromedia and my version stopped working. Now you have to buy an annual subscription. I was very loath to change as I had so much work on the old site, but I finally decided to learn Wordpress (free and open source version)  and start anew. 

It took a few months of discovery and exploring dead ends, but finally it is live. I am still adding to it, but if you have a look you can take a watercolour tour of New Zealand.

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